Monday, August 25, 2008

Effective Communication Skills (Blog Post #1)

Communication involves every aspect of our interactions with the people around us. Thus, communication and relationships are closely intertwined. Relationships with our family, friends or colleagues, can’t be forged and strengthened without communicating with them. Therefore, to be able to communicate effectively allows healthy relationships to be fostered and maintained. This is why I feel that developing effective communication skills is paramount in order to have good relationships to the people around us. More importantly, by establishing good and healthy relationships, we are exposing ourselves to more opportunities, either socially or professionally. Socially, i mean, by having good relationships with friends, they would be more than happy to introduce you to his/her friends. This enables us to widen our circle of friends and networks. The same goes for our professional relationships. Having such relationships not only allows you to have more opportunities to employment, it also opens up a lot of business possibilities. All this, however, is based on the assumption that one is able to communication efficiently.

Communication also involves the way in which we express our thoughts, feelings and ideas to people. No matter what we actually say to other people in words, we send out other kinds of information such as what we think of them, what we think of ourselves, and whether we are being sincere and genuine in what we say. It is our nonverbal communication, our gestures, body language, facial expressions and attitude, which speak volumes about us. This directly shapes how other people experience us and how they communicate in return. Therefore, to effectively communicate, one must be skilled in this regard. This aspect of communication, in my opinion, is not as easy to master as we need to pay a lot of attention to detail. But, like they always say, practice makes perfect.


Yun Nian said...

Hi Chong Guan, I agree with you that building up effective communication skills is really practice. I cultivated mine through reflecting on my mistakes and internalising the lessons learnt. For example when I unknowingly caused offence to someone due to thoughtlessness, I would remind myself never to do that again if I am faced with the same scenario. In fact I sit in my room and make myself repeat 5 times on what I should remember. Strangely after 5 repetitions, my brain never makes the same mistake again. :)

miranda said...

Hey Chong Guan! I do agree to what you said about being friends with your friend's friend. If you are worthy to be introduced, you will be. Therefore, to be worthy, i guess a person has to be, like you said, possess good communication skill.

Another good point that you have raised is that good employment opportunities and business possibilities will come knocking on your door if you have good communication skill. However, which skill should we acquire in order to obtain the above results? It wasn't clearly elaborated in your post. I think i may be able to help out here. I believe in order to leave good impression on others, we have to carry ourselves in a confident and undaunted way. This would, in a certain way, make others want to listen to you. This would inevitable make the rest notice you. With that, you will be able to exercise your influence on others!

Anyway, thanks for the detailed post!

Yan Bin said...

Hi Chong Guan. I think you are spot on when saying by having good communication skills we can expose ourselves to more opportunities. We have probably seen so many examples of people who are not not the smartest or greatest in terms of their absolute abilities but offered a better positions because they have a better communication and social skills. As such, I believe that as a student in university, we should strike a balance in developing technical abilities and communication skills to better prepare ourselves. =)

grace kim said...

Systematic and logical flow of ideas. Well-thought out too. I especially like the way you connected communication with relationships to show why it's important to develop effective communication skills - in order to forge closer ties with all around you. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Very clearly and efficiently explained the importance of effective communication. I agree that effective communication in both professional and personal aspects are important.

I like the idea that you bring out the term 'nonverbal communication'. I think it soemtimes can be more significant than verbal ones. It is obviously more difficult to train and practise ourselves in improving nonverbal communication skills.